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How to Revamp Legacy CRM Applications: A Comprehensive Guide

08 March 2024
In an era where customer relationships are the linchpin of business success, having an efficient and robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is not just beneficial; it's imperative. This guide explores the journey of revamping legacy CRM applications, emphasizing why modernization is crucial and how businesses can navigate this transformation.
the legacy

Understanding Legacy Code and Systems

Before diving into the revamping process, it's essential to grasp what we mean by "legacy" in the context of CRM systems.

What is Legacy Code?

Legacy code refers to software code that was developed using outdated technologies or practices and is still in use. It might not adhere to current coding standards or might not be compatible with modern systems and software. In CRM contexts, legacy code can lead to inefficiencies, making it challenging to adapt to new business requirements or integrate with current technologies.

What is a Legacy System?

Expanding from legacy code, a legacy system encompasses not just the software but also the hardware, databases, and operational practices that are antiquated yet still in operation. Such systems pose significant risks, including high maintenance costs, security vulnerabilities, and operational inefficiencies, ultimately hindering a business's agility and growth.
Read case study about how we improved legacy CRM for online electronics retailer

The Importance of Modern CRM Software for Businesses

customer support manager
Modern CRM systems are at the heart of business operations, streamlining processes, and fostering strong customer relationships. They offer real-time insights, automate mundane tasks, and provide a 360-degree view of the customer, enabling personalized engagement and improved customer satisfaction. The agility and scalability of modern CRM solutions empower businesses to adapt swiftly to market changes and customer needs.

Options for CRM System Revamp

When considering a CRM revamp, businesses face a pivotal decision: should they purchase a ready-made solution or develop a proprietary system?

Option 1. Buy Ready-Made CRM

Ready-made CRM systems, such as Salesforce or HubSpot, offer a plug-and-play solution, boasting a quick setup and a plethora of features. They're designed to cater to a broad spectrum of businesses and industries, offering reliability and continuous updates.

Option 2. Develop Proprietary Solution

Alternatively, a proprietary CRM system is tailor-made to align with the unique processes, needs, and goals of a business. It offers unparalleled customization, ensuring that every feature and functionality resonates with the business's operational rhythm.
Read case study about how we improved legacy CRM for online electronics retailer

Pros and Cons of the options.

To aid in the decision-making process, here's a comparative analysis of ready-made and proprietary CRM solutions:
  • President, Sales & marketing at Offshore Development center
    Serge Art
    While off-the-shelf CRM solutions offer ease and speed, a custom CRM system presents a strategic investment that aligns precisely with a business's unique needs, offering more control, relevance, and long-term value.
how to

Steps of Building a Custom CRM Solution

people in the office
Transitioning to a custom CRM is a significant endeavor. Here's a step-by-step guide to navigate this journey:
  • 1
    Requirements Preparation
    Begin with a thorough analysis of your business needs, customer engagement strategies, and desired outcomes. This stage sets the foundation for your custom CRM.
  • 2
    Vendor Qualification
    Select a development partner with a proven track record in CRM systems. Assess their expertise, methodologies, and understanding of your industry.
  • 3
    Contract Preparation
    Define the project's scope, milestones, deliverables, and payment terms. A clear contract ensures alignment and clarity for both parties.
  • 4
    Project Management
    Effective project management is crucial for timely and successful delivery. Employ methodologies like Agile or Scrum to ensure adaptability and continuous improvement.
  • 5
    Knowledge Transfer to Internal Team
    Ensure a smooth transition by training your team on the new system. Comprehensive knowledge transfer is vital for ongoing operation and maintenance.
  • 6
    Post-deployment support is crucial to address any emerging issues and ensure the system evolves with your business needs.

Successful Case Study on CRM Improvement for an Online Electronics Store

By establishing clear communication channels and regular progress updates, ODC ensured that the client's requirements were understood and met throughout the development process.

Cooperation Models with Vendors

two women talking
Choosing the right cooperation model with your development partner is crucial. Two prevalent models are staff augmentation and dedicated teams.
Staff Augmentation
Staff Augmentation
This model allows you to extend your in-house team with external experts on a temporary basis. It's flexible and cost-effective, providing access to specific skills as needed.
Dedicated team
Dedicated team
The dedicated team model involves a long-term partnership with a team that works exclusively on your project. This ensures deep understanding, consistency, and dedication, making it ideal for complex and ongoing projects.

Summary and Conclusion

Revamping a legacy CRM system is a strategic move that can significantly enhance operational efficiency, customer engagement, and business agility. Opting for a custom CRM solution, despite its initial complexities and investments, offers long-term benefits, aligning seamlessly with your business's unique needs and processes. By meticulously planning, selecting the right development partner, and choosing an appropriate cooperation model, businesses can successfully navigate the journey of CRM modernization, setting a strong foundation for sustained growth and competitiveness.
  • President, Sales & marketing at Offshore Development center
    Serge Art
    In this digital age, where customer relationships are key to business success, investing in a custom CRM system is not just an operational decision; it's a strategic one that can define your business's future.

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