Hire Offshore Angular Developers

Hire top Angular developers and elevate your digital presence with custom, efficient, and scalable web applications.
Hire Offshore Angular Developers
Hire top Angular developers and elevate your digital presence with custom, efficient, and scalable web applications.
  • No Recruitment Fees

    No recruitment and personnel management fees
  • No Payroll & Taxes

    You do not pay social security or any other related taxes
  • No Operating Expenses

    You will not have to pay utilities or purchase expensive equipment

Services we offer

An overview of services our Angular development team offers

Custom Angular Web Application Development

Our dedicated Angular developers build web applications that are not only visually appealing but also functionally robust, ensuring a seamless user experience.
Angular enterprise Solutions

Angular Enterprise Solutions

We specialize in creating enterprise-level Angular applications that can handle complex business processes and workflows, providing scalable and secure solutions for large-scale operations.
Angular single-page applications

SPA (Single Page Application) Development

Hire AngularJS developers from ODC to create fast, responsive, and user-friendly single-page applications that keep your users engaged.
angular dev

Maintenance & Support

Post-deployment, our offshore AngularJS developer team offers continuous maintenance and support to ensure your application runs smoothly and stays updated with the latest technology trends.

Why Hire Angular Developers from ODC?

At Offshore Development Center (ODC), we offer you the opportunity to hire Angular developers who are at the forefront of crafting dynamic, efficient, and scalable web applications.
  • Expertise & Experience

    Our Angular programmers are not just coders; they are problem solvers with hands-on experience in modern software development tools and technologies. Hiring AngularJS developers from ODC means you get access to professionals who stay on the cutting edge of the Angular ecosystem and related tech stacks.
  • Custom Solutions

    Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, our offshore AngularJS developer team is skilled at creating tailored solutions that align with your unique business objectives and workflow requirements.
  • Seamless Communication

    Despite the physical distance, our offshore Angular developers ensure the utmost transparency and seamless communication throughout the development process. We believe in working as an extension of your in-house team.
  • Cost-Effective

    Hiring an offshore Angular development firm like ODC allows you to leverage top-notch expertise at a fraction of the local cost. You get access to a pool of dedicated Angular experts committed to your project's success without the overhead associated with on-site teams.

Ready to Elevate Your Web Presence?

Tap into the power of expert Angular development and watch your digital dreams turn into reality. Contact us today to start your transformation journey!

Angular Full-stack Environment

Commonly used technologies in the Angular stack
  • Angular

    We build client-side applications with Angular to create dynamic, single-page web applications (SPAs) using HTML, CSS, and TypeScript.
  • TypeScript

    We use this superset of JavaScript language in Angular development due to its scalability and robust tooling.
  • RxJS

    It makes easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code. RxJS is used to handle events and data flow in our Angular applications.
  • Node.js

    Node.js works well with Angular for full-stack development for building the backend of applications. It allows ODC developers to use JavaScript on both the client and server sides.
  • Express.js

    Our developers use this Node.js web application framework to develop web and mobile applications. We often use it to create APIs for Angular applications.
  • MongoDB

    We use NoSQL database with Angular applications, especially in MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js) stack development. It provides a flexible, JSON-like document model that integrates well with JavaScript.
  • NPM (Node Package Manager)

    The package manager for Node.js, used by ODC Angular team for installing, sharing, and managing dependencies in Angular projects.
  • Angular CLI (Command Line Interface)

    We use this powerful toolset for Angular to automate development tasks, from project initialization to deployment.
  • Git

    We use GIT version control system for tracking changes in source code during software development. It is essential for team collaboration.
  • Jasmine and Karma

    We use them for unit testing in Angular. Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code, and Karma is a test runner.
  • Protractor

    We use this end-to-end test framework for Angular and AngularJS applications, allowing our developers to simulate interactions with a web application.
  • Webpack

    A module bundler used by ODC to compile JavaScript modules. We often use it in Angular projects for bundling application files and managing assets.
  • Bootstrap or Angular Material

    We use these UI frameworks with Angular for designing responsive and visually appealing web interfaces.

Angular Experts Available

List of Angular professionals along with responsibilities in the project

Angular Frontend Developer

Responsible for building the client-side of web applications. Translates the company and customer needs into functional and appealing interactive applications. Uses HTML, CSS, and Angular framework to deliver visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces. Collaborates with back-end developers and web designers to improve usability and ensure technical feasibility of UI/UX designs.

Senior Angular Developer

Leads the development process of complex Angular applications. Provides mentorship to junior developers and ensures best practices in coding standards. Works closely with project managers and stakeholders to understand business requirements. Responsible for high-level decision-making in the architectural design of web applications.

Angular Full Stack Developer

Handles both front-end and back-end development of web applications using Angular, alongside other technologies like Node.js, MongoDB, etc. Ensures seamless integration of front-end and back-end aspects of the application. Responsible for developing full-fledged platforms with a focus on performance and responsiveness.

Angular Project Manager

Oversees Angular development projects from conception to delivery. Coordinates between different team members, manages timelines, and ensures project goals are met. Has a strong understanding of Angular technology to effectively communicate with team members and stakeholders.

Why Choose ODC for Hiring Angular Developers?

We work hard every day to make life of our clients better and happier
  • Quality Assurance

    With a rigorous QA process, our developers ensure that your application is bug-free, secure, and performs at its best.
  • Flexibility & Scalability

    Hire remote Angular developers from ODC who are flexible and quickly adapt to your project's changing needs. Scale your team up or down as per the project requirements.
  • Intellectual Property Security

    We take your security seriously. When you hire Angular development firm like us, we ensure that your intellectual property is well protected with strict NDA agreements.

Angular and Salesforce Integration Success Story

The project's success was evident through tangible improvements. Post-launch.reported a 30% increase in client satisfaction, attributable to the enhanced user experience and functionality of the CRM portal.

How to Get Started

Three easy steps to hire Angular developers
Initial Consultation and Needs Assessment
Reach out to us, and our dedicated team will schedule a discussion to understand your business, project requirements, and objectives.
Customized Proposal and Agreement
Following the consultation, we provide you with a comprehensive and transparent proposal. This proposal outlines the scope of work, project timelines, deliverables, and the estimated budget.
Kick-off and Continuous Collaboration
With the agreement in place, we kick off the project with a detailed onboarding process. Continuous updates and transparent reporting keep you informed about the progress.

Feel the Difference with Expert Angular Development

Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, we have the expertise to propel your business forward.
Clients Testimonials
  • Emily Thompson
    Co-Founder of InfluenceHub
    We needed a robust, scalable, and interactive Influencer platform. ODC suggested a tech stack that helped manage the real-time data flow, essential for our user interactions. ODC's team was incredibly responsive, adapting to our changing requirements with ease.
  • Mark Robinson
    CEO of FinTech Innovations
    For our fintech startup, security and data handling were top priorities. ODC provided us with a comprehensive solution using Angular for the frontend, integrated with a .NET Core backend. The engagement with ODC boosted our website's performance by 50% and reduced load times significantly.
  • Sarah Johnson
    Director of Customer Success, RelateBetter Inc.
    For our CRM portal, we needed a solution that was both powerful and user-friendly. ODC recommended an Angular-based frontend, with a seamless integration to our existing Salesforce backend. The ODC team's proactive approach in communication and their agile methodology meant that our project was delivered on time and exceeded expectations.

Offshore Angular Developers at ODC

Remote Angular developers specialize in crafting sophisticated and scalable front-end solutions. They are adept at leveraging Angular's modular architecture to design and implement dynamic user interfaces, ensuring a responsive and visually engaging experience. Their skill set encompasses the intricacies of two-way data binding, dependency injection, and seamless third-party integrations, enabling the creation of feature-rich and future-proof applications.
Angular Developer's Expertise
Angular Developer's Expertise
The robust dependency injection system in Angular contributes to code efficiency by managing dependencies effectively. This enhances the maintainability of the codebase, ensuring that applications remain agile and adaptable to changing requirements.
Modularity and Scalability
Modularity and Scalability
Angular's modular architecture allows developers to create scalable and maintainable applications. This modularity promotes code reusability, easing the management of complex projects and facilitating seamless scaling as business needs evolve.
Efficient Data Binding
Efficient Data Binding
Angular's two-way data binding ensures real-time synchronization between the model and view, streamlining data management processes. This efficiency translates into responsive and fluid user interactions, enhancing the overall user experience.
Dynamic User Interfaces
Dynamic User Interfaces
Angular's powerful templating system facilitates the creation of dynamic and interactive user interfaces. This feature, coupled with the expertise of Angular developers, results in visually appealing and engaging applications that resonate with modern user expectations.
The combination of Angular's advantages and ODC's global talent pool, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, continuous development, and quality assurance make it a compelling choice for businesses seeking excellence in front-end development.


Do you have any questions? Find answers below!

What Experience Do Your Angular Developers Have?

Our Angular developers are seasoned professionals with extensive experience in creating dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly web applications. They possess a deep understanding of the Angular framework and are proficient in the latest web technologies, ensuring that your project is built with cutting-edge solutions. Their experience spans across diverse industries, enabling them to handle complex projects with ease.

How Does Hiring an Offshore Angular Developer Benefit My Business?

Hiring an offshore Angular developer offers numerous benefits, including cost savings, access to a global talent pool, and the ability to scale your team according to project needs. Our offshore Angular developers bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise, ensuring high-quality development while reducing the overhead costs associated with in-house teams.

Can I Hire Angular Developers for Short-Term Projects?

Absolutely! We offer flexible hiring models to suit your project needs. Whether you require Angular developers for short-term projects or long-term collaboration, we provide tailored solutions. Our team can quickly adapt to your project requirements, ensuring timely and efficient delivery of your web applications.

What Kind of Support Can I Expect After the Development Process?

Post-development, we offer comprehensive support and maintenance services to ensure your application remains up-to-date and operates smoothly. This includes regular updates, bug fixes, performance monitoring, and any necessary enhancements to improve functionality and user experience. Our commitment to support ensures your Angular application continues to meet your business needs effectively.

Our Services

Extensive expertise
Big data and Data engineering company in the US
Big data and Data engineering company
Delivering robust and scalable solution based on big data and data engineering technologies

Experience Angular Excellence. Contact Us Today!

Discover the impact of custom Angular solutions. Get in touch for a journey towards digital brilliance.

+1 713 925-8787

609 Greenwich St, New York, NY 10014, United States