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The Offshore Development Center team pays attention to facts and statistics that we use in our articles.

We use verified sources to write articles and news:
  • Reports from market research firms like Gartner, IDC, MarketsandMarkets on future projections for the global IT outsourcing market size and growth rates.
  • Industry surveys conducted by outsourcing consultancies or associations like ISG, IAOP on outsourcing adoption trends among businesses.
  • Analyst forecasts published in tech/business publications like CIO, ComputerWeekly, ZDNet on the future of IT outsourcing.
  • Press releases from major IT outsourcing service providers like Accenture, TCS, Infosys with their own estimates.
  • Articles and interviews with subject matter experts, analysts, and thought leaders in reputable IT and business publications.
To ensure accuracy and credibility, we rely on reputable and recognized sources within the industry. Our experts carefully verifies and fact-checks the information before incorporating it into our articles.

Our goal is to provide our audience with accurate and trustworthy insights into the IT outsourcing industry.
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