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Factors to Consider When Selecting the Location for Your Offshore Development Center

30 March 2023
This report discusses each factor in detail to help Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) make informed decisions when selecting the location for their offshore development centers.
Offshore development centers have become a popular option for companies seeking to reduce costs and gain access to new talent pools. While setting up an offshore development center can offer many benefits, selecting the right location is crucial to the success of the project. The location decision should be based on several factors, such as cost, talent pool, language, cultural barriers, infrastructure and technology, political stability, intellectual property protection, travel and logistics, business environment, and market access. This report discusses each factor in detail to help Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) make informed decisions when selecting the location for their offshore development centers.


Cost is one of the primary reasons for setting up an offshore development center. However, it's essential to consider all costs associated with the location before making a decision. Labor costs, real estate costs, and overhead expenses are the three most significant cost factors to consider.
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    Labor costs

    Labor costs vary from country to country, with some countries having a much lower labor costs than others. For instance, countries like India and the Philippines have a significantly lower cost of labor compared to the United States or the United Kingdom. However, it's important to note that low labor costs don't necessarily equate to quality work. It's crucial to consider the skill level of the local workforce when evaluating labor costs.
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    Real estate costs

    Real estate costs also vary depending on the location, with some cities being more expensive than others. It's essential to consider the costs of leasing or purchasing office space and the costs of any necessary renovations or upgrades to the space.
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    Overhead expenses

    Overhead expenses are an essential factor to consider when setting up an offshore development center (ODC) because they can significantly impact the overall cost of the project. While some overhead expenses, such as taxes and utilities, cannot be avoided, there are several strategies that companies can use to save on overhead expenses.
Read Detailed research on the differences between hiring in-house and offshoring. You will learn about the differences between offshoring and outsourcing, the cost of hiring, and get tips for hiring a reliable outstaffing vendor.

5 Strategies that companies can use to save on overhead expenses

  • Use a Co-Working Space

    One way to save on real estate costs is to use a co-working space instead of leasing or purchasing office space. Co-working spaces provide shared office space for multiple companies, reducing the cost of rent, utilities, and maintenance. Additionally, co-working spaces often provide amenities such as high-speed internet, meeting rooms, and kitchen facilities, reducing the need for companies to invest in these resources themselves.
  • Outsource Non-Core Business Functions

    Another way to save on overhead expenses is to outsource non-core business functions, such as accounting, HR, and legal services. Outsourcing these functions can save companies money on salaries, benefits, and office space. Additionally, outsourcing these functions to a third-party provider can provide access to specialized expertise, reducing the need to hire and train in-house staff.
  • Implement Energy-Saving Measures

    Implementing energy-saving measures can reduce utility costs, such as electricity and water. These measures can include installing energy-efficient lighting, using natural light instead of artificial light, using motion sensors to turn off lights when not in use, and using low-flow faucets and toilets to reduce water usage.
  • Optimize Supply Chain Management

    Optimizing supply chain management can reduce transportation costs and improve efficiency. Companies can work with their suppliers to consolidate shipments, negotiate better rates, and reduce the frequency of shipments. Additionally, companies can use technology to track shipments and optimize delivery routes, reducing transportation costs and improving delivery times.
  • Use Virtual Communication Tools

    Using virtual communication tools can reduce the need for travel, reducing transportation and lodging costs. Virtual communication tools, such as video conferencing and online collaboration platforms, can facilitate communication and collaboration between the offshore development center and the home office. Additionally, virtual communication tools can improve efficiency and reduce the need for in-person meetings, saving time and money.

Talent Pool

When considering setting up an offshore development center (ODC), it is essential to evaluate the availability of skilled developers in the location you are considering.

Availability of skilled and experienced developers

The availability of skilled and experienced developers is critical to the success of an offshore development center. It's essential to evaluate the local talent pool to determine if there are enough qualified candidates to fill the roles necessary for the project's success.

Quality of local universities and education system

The quality of the local universities and education system is also important to consider. A strong education system ensures that there is a constant supply of well-educated, skilled candidates entering the workforce. Additionally, having local universities that offer courses relevant to the project's needs can be beneficial.

5 ways to check the availability of skilled developers in the location

to consider while setting up an offshore development center (ODC)
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    Check Online Job Boards

    Online job boards, such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Indeed, can provide insights into the talent pool in a specific location. Companies can search for relevant job postings and assess the qualifications, experience, and education of the candidates. Additionally, job boards can provide data on the number of job openings in the area and the companies that are hiring.
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    Attend Industry Conferences and Networking Events

    Industry conferences and networking events can provide opportunities to connect with local developers and assess the talent pool. These events allow companies to meet developers face-to-face, learn about their skills and experience, and build relationships with potential candidates. Additionally, attending these events can provide insights into the local tech community, including trends, challenges, and opportunities.
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    Research Local Universities and Technical Schools

    Researching local universities and technical schools can provide insights into the quality of the education system and the availability of skilled graduates. Companies can evaluate the curriculum, reputation, and placement rates of these institutions to assess the quality of education. Additionally, companies can reach out to these institutions to establish relationships and recruit talented graduates.
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    Consult Recruitment Agencies

    Recruitment agencies can assist in finding and hiring skilled developers in a specific location. These agencies can leverage their networks and expertise to identify candidates that match the company's requirements. Additionally, recruitment agencies can provide support in the recruitment process, including resume screening, candidate interviews, and negotiation of employment terms.
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    Evaluate the Local Tech Industry

    Evaluating the local tech industry can provide insights into the talent pool and the level of competition for skilled developers. Companies can research the companies that are located in the area and the types of projects they are working on. Additionally, companies can evaluate the growth and innovation of the local tech industry to assess the potential for attracting and retaining skilled talent.

Language and Cultural Barriers

Communication is critical when working with an offshore development team. Language and cultural differences can pose a significant challenge to effective communication and collaboration.
It's essential to consider the language proficiency of the local workforce, as well as the cultural differences that may affect the working relationship. Time zone differences can also affect communication, so it's important to consider the time difference between the offshore development center and the home office.

5 tips to overcome Language and Cultural Barriers while setting up an ODC

Here are five tips to help you overcome language and cultural barriers while setting up an ODC:
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    Hire Local Managers and Supervisors

    One of the most effective ways to overcome language and cultural barriers is to hire local managers and supervisors who are familiar with the local language and culture. These individuals can provide valuable insights into the local work culture, communication norms, and business practices. Additionally, they can serve as a bridge between the offshore team and the onshore team, ensuring effective communication and collaboration.
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    Provide Language and Cultural Training

    Language and cultural training can help your offshore team understand and adapt to the local culture and work environment. Providing language training, such as English language courses, can help improve communication between the offshore team and the onshore team. Additionally, cultural training can help your offshore team understand the local customs, values, and communication styles, ensuring that they can effectively collaborate with their onshore counterparts.
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    Establish Clear Communication Channels

    Establishing clear communication channels is essential for overcoming language and cultural barriers. This includes using tools such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and email to ensure effective communication between the offshore team and the onshore team. Additionally, establishing a clear communication protocol can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that communication is effective.
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    Foster a Culture of Open Communication

    Fostering a culture of open communication can help overcome language and cultural barriers by creating an environment where team members feel comfortable expressing themselves. This can be achieved by encouraging feedback, actively listening to team members, and promoting transparency in communication. Additionally, creating opportunities for team members to socialize and get to know each other can help build trust and foster open communication.
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    Leverage Technology Tools

    Leveraging technology tools such as translation software, project management tools, and collaboration platforms can help overcome language and cultural barriers. Translation software can help facilitate communication between team members who speak different languages, while project management tools can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. Additionally, collaboration platforms can help promote teamwork and enable effective collaboration between the offshore team and the onshore team.
Explore the importance of cultural differences in offshore development center teams, the challenges faced by these teams, and strategies to overcome these challenges. Read detailed research on Navigating Cultural Differences in Offshore Development Center Teams.

Infrastructure and Technology

Infrastructure and technology are critical to the success of an offshore development center. It's important to ensure that the location has reliable internet connectivity, a sufficient power supply, and access to necessary technology and equipment.
Reliable internet connectivity is crucial for communication and collaboration between the offshore development center and the home office. A sufficient power supply ensures that the center can operate without interruptions. Access to necessary technology and equipment ensures that the center has the tools and resources necessary to complete the project successfully.

Political Stability and Legal Framework

Political stability and a favorable legal framework are essential factors to consider when selecting the location for an offshore development center. It's important to evaluate the stability of the political environment, the regulatory environment, and the legal framework of the potential location.
A stable political environment ensures that the center can operate without interruptions or disruptions caused by political unrest. A favorable regulatory environment ensures that the center can operate without facing unnecessary regulatory barriers or restrictions. A strong legal framework ensures that the company's intellectual property is protected.

Tips to consider for Intellectual property protection while setting up an ODC

Here are some tips to consider for protecting your intellectual property while setting up an ODC:
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    Choose a Location with Strong Intellectual Property Protection Laws

    When selecting a location for your ODC, it's important to consider the country's intellectual property protection laws. Look for a country that has robust laws and regulations to protect intellectual property, including patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
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    Conduct Due Diligence on Your Partner Company

    If you are partnering with a company to set up your ODC, it's important to conduct due diligence to ensure that they have a strong track record of protecting intellectual property. Ask for references and look for evidence of their commitment to intellectual property protection. You can also consider working with a reputable third-party consultant who specializes in intellectual property protection.
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    Use Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements

    Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) can help protect your proprietary information and technology. Make sure to include robust confidentiality and non-disclosure clauses in your contracts with your partner company and all employees working on your project.
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    Implement Security Measures

    Implementing security measures such as password protection, data encryption, and access controls can help protect your intellectual property. Make sure that all employees working on your project understand the importance of maintaining data security and are trained in best practices for information security.
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    Register Your Intellectual Property

    Registering your patents, trademarks, and copyrights can help provide legal protection for your intellectual property. Work with a reputable intellectual property attorney to register your intellectual property in the countries where you will be operating.
Carefully consider the business environment of potential locations when selecting a location for your ODC. Look for a location with ease of doing business, favorable tax laws and government regulations, and a streamlined bureaucratic process. This will help ensure the success of your project and minimize expenses associated with navigating the business environment.
— HMD Team

Travel and logistics costs

Some travel and logistics costs to keep in mind when choosing a location for your ODC:

Ease of Travel to Potential Locations

The ease of travel to your ODC can have a significant impact on the success of your project. Consider the distance between your home office and your ODC and the availability of direct flights. Long travel times and layovers can increase travel costs and decrease productivity. Also, consider the visa requirements and ease of obtaining work permits for your employees.

Logistics and Transportation Infrastructure

The logistics and transportation infrastructure of your potential ODC location can also impact the success of your project. Consider the availability and reliability of transportation options, such as public transportation, taxis, and rental cars. The availability of shipping and delivery services can also impact your supply chain.
Business environment
Some factors to keep in mind when evaluating the business environment of a location for your ODC
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    Ease of Doing Business
    The ease of doing business in a particular location can have a significant impact on the success of your ODC. Factors to consider include the time and cost involved in starting a business, the availability of resources and infrastructure, and the level of bureaucracy involved. Choose a location that offers a streamlined process for setting up a business, with minimal red tape and easy access to necessary resources.
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    Bureaucratic Procedures
    Bureaucratic procedures can be time-consuming and expensive and can delay the start of your ODC. Consider the level of bureaucracy involved in setting up a business and obtaining necessary permits and licenses. Look for a location with a streamlined and efficient process for navigating bureaucratic procedures.
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    Individual Approach
    Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method allows us to achieve success in problems of all levels.
Sergio Art is the entrepreneurial mind behind the Offshore Development Center (ODC), which he launched in 2010 to support U.S. businesses in their digital transformation efforts through access to skilled software engineers.

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