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Offshore Development Center in Sweden

01 January 2024
Sweden has long been known for its innovative tech sector, boasting successful companies like Spotify, Skype, and King. More recently, Sweden has seen growing interest in offshore development as a way to access global talent and reduce costs.

Establishing an offshore development center (ODC) represents the most strategic approach for overseas tech resourcing. An ODC provides a dedicated team of IT professionals that become an extension of a company's in-house staff. They are recruited, trained, managed, and integrated to client processes under one roof by an offshore partner. ODCs offer richer skill sets, better collaboration, IP protection, and scaling flexibility relative to staff augmentation models. Leading brands like Volvo, H&M, Ericsson, and Skype leverage offshore development centers across India and Eastern Europe for software engineering, DevOps, QA, and UX design capabilities. ODCs enable Swedish companies to get more done with less through tapping global talent hubs.

The offshore development market in Sweden is still relatively small, valued at $182 million in 2021. But it is expanding at an annual rate of over 11%, indicating strong momentum. By 2026, Sweden's offshore development industry revenue could surpass $300 million.
Offshore Development

What's Driving Adoption of Offshore Development?

Several factors are fueling the rise of offshore development in Sweden:
  • Cost savings. Swedish companies can reduce software development costs by 30-50% through offshoring. With access to skilled Eastern European developers with rates 50-70% lower than domestic engineers, offshoring provides meaningful budget relief.
  • Access to specialized talent. Sweden faces a shortage of over 70,000 IT professionals. Offshoring lets companies tap global talent pools with specialized skills like blockchain, machine learning, and mobile app development. Popular offshore locations include Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, and Belarus.
  • Better time zone alignment. Nearshoring to Eastern European countries provides time zone proximity, minimizing work overlap challenges. This facilitates better collaboration and agility.
  • Favorable government policies. Sweden offers a 25% tax deduction for research and development expenses, including offshore software development. This effectively subsidizes offshoring activities.
  • High English proficiency rates. With most Swedes speaking fluent English, communication barriers are lower compared to offshoring to Asia. This accelerates onboarding and project ramp up.
Offshore Development in Sweden

Current State of Offshore Development in Sweden

Banking, telecom, gaming, and fintech represent major verticals leveraging offshore talent today. Spotify, Klarna, and iZettle rely on offshore centers to augment their engineering.
Enterprise companies like Volvo, Electrolux, and Ericsson offshored simple software projects at first. As confidence grew, firms expanded the scope to core product development. Today major Swedish brands offshore complex tasks like IoT, AI, and analytics.

The most popular offshore destination is Poland due to its highly educated workforce, cultural affinity, and geographic proximity. Ukraine and Romania are secondary selections.
Offshore Development Center

Salaries for In-Demand Offshore Developers

Here is typical salary information for offshore contractors in highest demand.

  • Senior Java Developer: $46,000
  • Senior .NET Developer: $42,000
  • Senior React Developer: $38,000
  • Senior Java Developer: $36,000
  • Senior .NET Developer: $32,000
  • Senior React Developer: $28,000
  • Senior Java Developer: $29,000
  • Senior .NET Developer: $25,000
  • Senior React Developer: $22,000
As we can observe, access to qualified Eastern European talent offers tremendous value.
For comparison, average salaries for these roles in Sweden are 2x higher, ranging from $65,000 to $85,000.

And in top American tech hubs like Silicon Valley and New York City, base compensation can exceed $130,000.

Offshore Development in Sweden

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Top Offshore Developers Needed to Fuel Sweden’s Companies

As one of Europe’s preeminent tech and innovation hubs, Sweden relies on continuous access to world-class software engineering talent. With over 70,000 domestic IT jobs unfilled and skill shortages growing, offshore development has become crucial for Swedish firms to remain competitive.

Let’s examine the key offshore roles and capabilities now in greatest demand across major Sweden industry verticals.

Banking/Fintech Sector
Sweden’s sophisticated financial industry aims to lead in cashless payments, digital banking, blockchain platforms and data-driven financial products. Key needs include:
  • Blockchain developers. To build decentralized ledgers, tokenization systems and smart contracts for frictionless transactions.
  • Data scientists. To uncover customer insights and power next-gen personalized recommendations from transactional data.
  • Mobile developers. To enhance omnichannel banking including peer-to-peer, microinvesting and embedded finance apps.
Average offshore salary range: $55,000-$85,000.

Retail & Ecommerce Players
Swedish retail giants like H&M and Ikea compete through advanced online experiences, supply chain tech and delivery innovations. Top requirements are:
  • Full stack web developers. To craft rich customer web and mobile interfaces connected to back-end commerce systems
  • DevOps engineers. To enable CI/CD deployment automation for rapid site updates and frictionless checkout
  • Computer vision experts. To enhance recommendations via product image analysis and other CV techniques
Average offshore salary range: $45,000-$75,000

Gaming Ecosystem
Sweden rules the global gaming scene behind publishers like Mojang, King and Paradox Interactive along with infrastructure platforms from Unity and King. Key offshore capabilities sought are:
  • Unity & Cocos Game Developers. To build multi-platform 2D/3D gaming front-ends
  • Backend Cloud Engineers. To architect low-latency, highly scalable and resilient cloud infrastructures
  • UI/UX Designers. To craft captivating and sticky user experiences that turn casual users into loyal fans
Average offshore salary range: $40,000-$70,000

Manufacturing Leaders
Iconic Swedish manufacturers including Volvo, Electrolux and Ericsson gain an edge from software-defined vehicles, smart appliances and 5G telecom gear. Priority offshore skills include:
  • Embedded Systems Developers. To program intelligent IoT devices and industrial control systems
  • Data Analysts. To extract insights from product sensor analytics for predictive maintenance
  • AR/VR Specialists. To build next-gen simulations, sales tools and employee training systems

Forecast Calls for Continued Offshore Development Growth

With offshore talent enabling Swedish companies to innovate faster for less, adoption is expected to rise. Leading analysts forecast the global offshore services market to expand at 8% CAGR.

This bodes well for Eastern European IT professionals seeking rewarding career opportunities with Swedish multinationals. And Swedish firms can stay competitive through leveraging offshore talent.

To meet demand, universities in Poland, Romania, and Ukraine now offer curriculums tailored to Swedish corporate needs.

As digitalization accelerates globally, access to offshore talent promises to provide an edge for Sweden. The future remains bright for mutual success between Scandinavia and Eastern Europe in offshore development.


These roles showcase how strategic offshore resourcing gives Swedish companies access to scarce digital capabilities that fuel competitive advantages. With strong demand forecasted for years ahead across banking, retail, gaming and manufacturing, tapping leading offshore talent from Poland, Ukraine, Romania and elsewhere will pay big dividends. Savvy enterprises are already parlaying offshore developers into increased innovation, faster speed to market and reduced costs. Those lagging risk ceding market share unless they start leveraging global talent pools now.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Question:
    What is offshore development?
    Offshore development refers to hiring software engineers outside of one's own country, often overseas, to build and maintain IT systems, products, and services. It provides access to skilled talent at lower costs.
  • Question:
    Why do Swedish companies offshore development?
    The main drivers are cost reduction, access specialized skills, better time zone alignment, favorable government incentives, and English language proficiency. Offshoring to Eastern Europe can cut engineering costs by 50%.
  • Question:
    Which countries are top destinations for Sweden?
    Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria and Belarus represent popular offshore destinations due to cultural affinity, geographic proximity, and highly skilled talent. Poland leads with over 50% market share of Sweden's offshoring industry.
  • Question:
    What skills are most in demand?
    Sweden sponsors hundreds of contractor visas annually for roles like .NET and Java enterprise developers, React front-end web programmers, Python machine learning engineers, iOS and Android mobile developers, and blockchain experts.
  • Question:
    How effective are Sweden's offshore engagements?
    Swedish industry reviews reveal 92% success rates for offshore projects with higher than expected quality levels. 84% report being satisfied with overseas teams and 76% of initiatives come under budget. The data shows clear productivity and innovation gains.
Sergio Art is the entrepreneurial mind behind the Offshore Development Center (ODC), which he launched in 2010 to support U.S. businesses in their digital transformation efforts through access to skilled software engineers.

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