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Software Developer Hourly Rates in the USA in 2024

22 March 2024


Software developers are in high demand in the United States, fueling strong growth in their hourly rates. This article analyzes current software developer rates in the USA, compares them to other major tech talent markets globally, and projects future trends.

The rapid demand growth for software developers has fueled a steady rise in their hourly rates in the USA over the past 5 years. Below is a comparison of average hourly rates by programming language and specialization since 2020.

Average Software Developer Rates in the USA

According to PayScale data, the average hourly rate in the United States for software developers is $45.53 as of February 2024. Rates vary significantly based on role, experience, skills, and location.

Frontend developers earn slightly less than backend developers - $44.22 vs $46.31 per hour on average. Full-stack developers command the highest rates, at $47.32 per hour on average.

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Hourly Rates by Company Size

Average hourly rates also depend on the size of the company they work for. In general, larger companies tend to offer higher rates due to their greater resources and ability to attract top talent.

Here is the average hourly wage for developers by company size in the US.
Note that these are averages and actual developer rate per hour can vary significantly based on factors like location, experience, and skills. Startups may offer lower cash compensation but provide equity to attract talent, while big tech giants often pay well above market hourly software rates.

Hourly Rates by Software Developer Qualification

A software developer's qualifications, including their education, certifications, and years of experience, also greatly impact their programming hourly rate. Here's a breakdown of average rates in the US by qualification level.
Specialized skills and certifications in high-demand areas like machine learning, cloud computing, and cybersecurity can also significantly boost a middle hourly wage.
Software Developer Hourly Rates in the USA

Top 5 Cities in the US with the Highest Rates per Hour for Developers

Certain cities stand out as major tech hubs, offering the highest average hourly pay in the US for software engineers.

San Francisco leads as the highest paying, with an average software engineer hourly rate of $70-$90, followed closely by Seattle at $60-$80 per hour. New York City ($55-$75), Boston ($50-$70), and Austin ($45-$65) round out the top 5 highest-paying US cities for software development cost per hour.
These hourly rates can vary based on experience, skills, company, and the cost of living in each city. When evaluating opportunities, software engineers should consider the full compensation package along with factors like career growth prospects, company culture, and overall quality of life in addition to the average hourly pay.

How US Rates Compare to Global Rates?

Among other major English-speaking tech talent markets, Canada averages $41.60 per hour, the UK $38.01 per hour, and Australia $37.30 per hour.

In the European Union, Danish and German software engineers earn similar rates to their American counterparts, while Spain, Italy, and countries in Eastern Europe offer large cost savings to outsourcers.

India has become a top destination for IT outsourcing with offshore rates for software development as low as $25 per hour for experienced coders. However, turnover is often high and communication can be challenging. The following table summarizes average software developer hourly rate globally:

Projections for Software Developer Hourly Rates

As technology continues its ubiquity across all industries, demand for software developers in the US is expected to grow at a rapid pace. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts 22% 10-year job growth for software developers, much faster than average. This intense competition for talent is likely to place continued upward pressure on hourly rates for software developers.

This intense competition for talent is likely to place continued upward pressure on hourly rates. By 2024, the average software developer rate in the US could surpass $50 per hour, with specialized roles and tech hubs continuing to pay significant premiums.

In the long term, remote work options may lower pay per hour by geography as talent markets level off globally. However, Silicon Valley and other dynamic tech hubs continue to offer unparalleled opportunities for career advancement, networking, and innovation ecosystems. This enduring appeal will support their hourly software development rate premium.
Software Developer Hourly Rates


Software developers are highly coveted professionals in the USA, fueling pay rates that are among the highest globally. While global talent markets and economic fluctuations may impact rates at the margins, intense demand is likely to sustain rapid growth in developer hourly pay over the coming decade across specialized roles, experience levels, and top tech hub locations.

If you want to know the hourly rates for developers in the USA, the team at ODC can help you find a specialist to fit your budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Question:
    What's the average hourly pay in the US?
    The average hourly rate for a software developer in the United States is $45.53. It's important to note that these figures are specific to software developers and may not represent the average hourly pay across all industries and professions in the United States.
  • Question:
    Which programming languages earn the highest hourly rates in the USA?
    As of 2023, Python and JavaScript developers earn the top hourly rates at $53 and $52.40 per hour on average, respectively. Following close are Java, C++, C#, and PHP developers with average rates between $48-52 per hour.
  • Question:
    How fast are software developer rates rising each year in the USA?
    Over the past 5 years, developer hourly rates have increased by nearly 10% overall in the USA. Rates for backend engineers have risen faster, at 12% versus 7% for frontend developers. High demand has fueled above-average growth for Python and JavaScript programming rates per hour in particular.
  • Question:
    How do US developer rates compare to Europe and other English-speaking countries?
    The USA has the 2nd highest developer rates globally, behind only Switzerland. The US considerably outpaces Canada ($41.60), the UK ($38), and Australia ($37.30) in average hourly software developer compensation. Some Western European countries like Denmark approach US rates.
  • Question:
    Are outsourced developer rates substantially cheaper than the USA?
    Yes, regions with vastly lower costs of living feature much lower hourly rates for software developers. India has rates averaging as low as $25 per hour. However, outsourcing comes with downsides like communications barriers, higher turnover, and intellectual property risks.
Sergio Art is the entrepreneurial mind behind the Offshore Development Center (ODC), which he launched in 2010 to support U.S. businesses in their digital transformation efforts through access to skilled software engineers.

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