Successful ERP Upgrade for Texas Sports Retailer

Discover how ODC transformed a Texas-based sports retailer with a cutting-edge ERP upgrade.
The client, despite having an in-house IT department, chose ODC for their expertise in handling complex ERP systems and their reputation for delivering high-quality solutions. ODC's ability to provide a dedicated team with specialized skills in modern technologies was a deciding factor for the client.
"From the outset, ODC's approach was meticulous and customer-centric. Their team took the time to understand our specific needs and proposed a solution that was both innovative and practical. The expertise ODC brought to the table, especially in modernizing our ERP system, was exceptional.

Their dedicated team model proved to be a game-changer. The mix of backend and frontend developers, along with software testers and UI/UX designers, worked cohesively to deliver a solution that not only met but exceeded our expectations. The new ERP system has transformed our operations, providing a seamless and efficient platform for managing our growing online sales."
Oren Wells
Oren Wells
Chief Information Officer
— About the Client
— The client is a sports goods retailer based in Texas, experiencing significant growth in online sales since the onset of the pandemic in 2020. With a strong market presence and an expanding online customer base, they required an upgrade to their decade-old ERP system to keep pace with their evolving business needs.
— Challenge
— The existing ERP system was outdated, making it challenging to support and develop new features. The retailer needed to integrate new payment providers, implement a flexible loyalty system, develop a user-friendly interface, create a partner portal, build an integrated chatbot, and enhance inventory management. The key requirement was to use technologies that are scalable and reliable.
— Value Delivered
— Offshore Development Center (ODC) delivered a comprehensive, scalable, and modern ERP solution. The use of a mixed technology stack for backend, frontend, and database ensured robust performance and scalability. The dedicated team approach allowed for specialized focus on each aspect of the project, leading to a sophisticated, user-friendly system that improved operational efficiency and customer experience.
— Reason for Choosing ODC
— Despite having an in-house IT department, the client opted for Offshore Development Center (ODC) due to ODC's specialized expertise in modernizing ERP systems. ODC's reputation for handling complex, technology-intensive projects efficiently and their ability to provide a dedicated team of experts tailored to the project's unique requirements made them a preferable choice over expanding the internal team.

The main challenges faced by ODC

Outdated ERP System

The client's existing ERP, developed over a decade ago, was struggling to support and develop new features necessary for modern e-commerce.

Integration of New Features

The need to integrate new payment providers, introduce a flexible loyalty system, develop a user-friendly interface, a partner portal, a built-in chatbot, and an enhanced inventory management system.

Technology Constraints

Ensuring the use of proven technologies that could provide scalability and reliability without compromising on speed.

Collaboration with In-House Team

Coordinating effectively with the client’s in-house IT department, which retained control over product management.

Engagement Model Chosen

ODC provided a dedicated development team. This model allowed for specialized focus, agility, and a collaborative approach that aligned with the client’s needs and timelines.
  • Backend Developers (5 people)

    Focused on building a robust and scalable server-side application.
  • Frontend Developers (4 people)

    Tasked with creating an intuitive and engaging user interface.
  • Software Testers (4 people)

    Ensured the reliability and optimal performance of the new system.
  • UI/UX Designer

    Worked on enhancing the user experience with modern design principles.
  • Project manager

    Responsible for adherence to sprints backlog and timeline.

Results achieved

The client achieved several significant outcomes:

Enhanced Operational Efficiency

The new ERP system streamlined various business processes, improving overall efficiency.

Improved User Experience

The user-friendly interface and integrated features like the chatbot and partner portal significantly enhanced the customer and partner experience.

Scalability and Flexibility

The new system was built to scale, accommodating the growing online sales and future business expansions.

Continuous Support and Maintenance

ODC’s ongoing support ensures that the system remains up-to-date and continues to evolve with the client’s needs.

Technology Stack

  • Backend

    Java with Spring Boot, providing a robust and scalable framework.
  • Frontend

    React.js, known for its efficiency in building interactive user interfaces.
  • Database

    PostgreSQL, offering reliability and scalability.
  • Chatbot and AI Features

    Implementation of AI technologies for the chatbot to enhance customer interaction.
  • Payment Integration

    Secure and versatile payment gateways that support multiple payment methods.
  • Cloud Infrastructure

    Utilization of AWS cloud hosting, ensuring scalability and robustness.
  • DevOps Tools

    Adoption of CI/CD pipelines for efficient development and deployment processes.


The project exemplifies ODC’s commitment to delivering tailor-made, technology-driven solutions. The dedicated team approach not only facilitated a successful ERP revamp but also established a long-term partnership for ongoing development and support. The project’s success is a testament to ODC’s expertise in navigating complex technological landscapes and delivering results that drive business growth and customer satisfaction.

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