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How to Hire Remote Developers in Portugal?

10 June 2023
Today we will look at one of the most promising countries for hiring talented developers - Portugal. In this post, you will learn how to hire offshore software developers in Portugal. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of hiring remote programmers in this country and how to choose the best company to outsource software development. We will tell you about the programming languages Portuguese developers are proficient in and share the secrets of assessing the quality of remote programmers' work from Portugal. You'll learn what questions to ask when interviewing Portuguese programmers and how to manage a remote development team in Portugal effectively.

Why Consider Portugal for Hiring Remote Programmers

Portugal is a country that has become very attractive for finding remote programmers. This is due to the fact that Portugal is a member of the European Union and has a high standard of living. In addition, Portuguese developers have a high level of knowledge in the field of information technology and are prepared to work in the international market.

Another advantage of Portugal is its geographical position. The country is located on the west coast of Europe, which makes it closer to the United States. This means that Portuguese developers can easily work with customers from the region and be available to communicate at a convenient time.

In addition, Portugal is highly competitive in terms of prices for IT development services. Compared to other European countries or the United States, the cost of Portuguese developers is more affordable. This makes Portugal an attractive place to look for remote programmers who can provide high-quality services at a less expensive price.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of hiring remote programmers in Portugal

Hiring remote developers in Portugal has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the main advantages is the availability of highly qualified specialists at a reasonable price. In addition, Portuguese developers have a good command of English, which simplifies communication with customers from the United States. Another advantage is the proximity to the US market, which allows faster resolution of legal and financial issues.

However, there are some disadvantages to hiring remote programmers in Portugal. For example, the difference in time zones can create certain difficulties in organizing the team's work. You should also keep in mind cultural differences that need to be taken into account when working with Portuguese specialists. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the tax peculiarities and employment rules in Portugal to avoid unpleasant surprises.

All in all, with the right approach and choosing a competent team of remote programmers in Portugal, you can get a lot of benefits. But to do this, you need to consider all the specifics of working with remote teams and be prepared to deal with possible problems. It is also important to choose proven partners who have experience working with customers from other countries and are willing to provide complete information about their company and services. Read our Guide on How to Set Up a Dedicated Offshore Development Center to avoid mistakes.


How to choose the best company to outsource software development in Portugal

When you decide to find a company to outsource software development in Portugal, the first thing to do is research. The Internet is a great tool for this. You can use search engines to find a list of companies that offer software development services in Portugal. However, you should not stop at the first company you see. It is important to do some further market research.

When choosing a company to outsource software development in Portugal, you should consider factors such as experience, quality of work, and prices. Some companies may offer better prices, but that does not always mean that they will do a better job. It is better to choose a company with good experience and positive customer references.

It is also worth paying attention to the communication with the potential development company. The company should be ready to answer all your questions and provide detailed information about their services. In addition, the company should have a good communication method so that you can easily contact them at any time. You can find more information in our recent post about factors to consider when selecting the location for outsourcing.

What programming languages do Portuguese developers know?

How to hire remote developers in Portugal
Source: Unsplash
Portuguese developers have a wide range of knowledge in programming languages. They are proficient in languages such as Java, Python, Flutter, React, and many others. Most Portuguese developers have a higher technical education and are constantly improving their skills.

Portuguese developers are also actively learning new programming languages and following the latest trends in the industry. This allows them to create innovative solutions for their clients and stay at the forefront of technological progress.

If you're looking for experienced developers who not only know classical programming languages but also the latest technologies, Portugal is a great choice for your business. Here you will find a team of professionals ready to tackle the most challenging IT development tasks.

How to assess the quality of work of remote programmers from Portugal

Evaluating the quality of remote programmers from Portugal is one of the key points when outsourcing software development. To begin with, it is necessary to decide what parameters will be used for evaluation. This can be a number of tasks completed in a certain period of time, the quality of code, compliance with the requirements of a customer and other factors.

There are various tools and methods which can be used to accurately evaluate the quality of remote programmers from Portugal. For instance, you can perform a code review to check if the code meets the standards and requirements of the project. You can also use a version control system to track changes in the code and manage the project as a whole.

It is also important to consider communication with the remote development team. The more clear the tasks and requirements are, the higher the quality of the programmers' work will be. In addition, regular communication with the team will help to detect problems and defects in the work in time.

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What questions to ask when interviewing Portuguese programmers

How to hire remote developers in Portugal
Source: Unsplash
When interviewing Portuguese programmers, it is important to ask the right questions to assess their professional level and determine if they are the right fit for your project. First of all, you need to ask about their experience with the technologies used in your project. It is also worth asking about the results of previous work and what challenges they had to tackle.

Another important aspect is communication. Remote work requires good communication between developers and the customer. Therefore, it is necessary to find out how well the candidate speaks English and how he or she communicates with colleagues. You can also ask questions about his communication preferences: what tools he uses to communicate and how often he reports on the progress of work.

Finally, it is worth paying attention to the candidate's personal qualities. A good programmer must be responsible, self-motivated and ready for continuous learning. Therefore, you can ask questions about how the candidate is learning new technologies and how he/she solves the problems he/she encounters in the job.

What tools and techniques exist to effectively manage a remote development team in Portugal

To effectively manage a remote development team in Portugal, it is necessary to use certain tools and methods. One of these tools is a project management system that allows you to track the progress of each team member, distribute tasks and control project deadlines. You can also use online services to share files and documentation, as well as video conferencing and real-time communication.

Another useful tool for managing a remote development team is the version control system. It allows you to keep track of changes in the program code, save previous versions, and quickly find errors. Besides, such a system allows several programmers to work on one project at a time, which increases the efficiency of the whole team.

One more useful method to manage a remote development team is Agile-methodology. It implies stage-by-stage execution of a project, regular meetings and feedback between the team members. This approach allows to react quickly to any changes in the project, improve the quality of work, and increase the efficiency of the entire team.
Sergio Art is the entrepreneurial mind behind the Offshore Development Center (ODC), which he launched in 2010 to support U.S. businesses in their digital transformation efforts through access to skilled software engineers.

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