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Offshore Development Center in Turkey

03 March 2024
Over the last decade, Turkey has rapidly developed into an offshore software development location. Driven by government initiatives, investments in STEM education, and a young talent pool, Turkey now rivals Eastern European hubs as a preferred destination for outsourced technology and software engineering services.

The Turkish information technology industry has sustained double-digit growth over the past 5 years. Software exports are projected to hit $10 billion by 2023, cementing Turkey’s position as a top-tier provider for global outsourcing needs. As more companies establish captive centers and offshore teams, Turkey delivers premium technical skills and significant cost advantages.

Global confidence in Turkey’s IT capabilities is at an all-time high. The country now hosts offshore development centers for technology giants like Microsoft, Oracle, Ericsson, Siemens, HP and Intel.

Many European multinationals are leveraging Turkish service providers, including Bosch, British Telecom, Mercedes and Vodafone. The region has also birthed global enterprise software companies like Peak Games and Trendyol.

As Turkey cements itself as the next big offshoring hub, businesses are positioned to benefit from the region’s winning combination of technical talent, cultural compatibility, operational excellence and geographic advantages. The next decade will see an expanding footprint for Turkish offshore centers as they become ingrained into global sourcing strategies.

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Advantages of Cooperation with an Offshore Development Center in Turkey

Cooperation with offshore development center in Turkey gives business great advantages. Here are some of them.

Cost Competitiveness

The foremost driver for offshoring to Turkey is cost competitiveness. Turkish software developers earn 30-50% less compared to their counterparts in Western Europe and North America. Junior developers can be hired for as little as $25,000 per year, while senior level architects earn up to $75,000 on average.

Combined with the country's relatively low infrastructure, rental, and administrative overheads, setup and operating costs for Turkish delivery centers are significantly optimized. Istanbul now ranks alongside Budapest, Prague, and Warsaw for delivering value even as technical capabilities improve.

Deep Talent Pools and Technical Capabilities

Turkey places strong emphasis on STEM education, with over 100 universities graduating thousands of qualified offshore developers. The country’s youth demographics further ensure a rising crop of graduates for years to come.

Offshore software developers are well-versed in high demand skills like Java, Python, .NET Framework, JavaScript, PHP, C# and modern JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular. Turkish firms also showcase expertise in niche technologies including blockchain, AI/ML, data analytics, IoT and custom platform development.
ODC in Turkey

Easy Cultural and Communication Alignment

An expansive history with Europe has ingrained Turkish businesses with compatible work ethics and cultural outlooks. Most Turkish IT professionals are fluent in English, the universal language of technology.

These attributes enable seamless integration of Turkish developers into Western teams and high client satisfaction levels. The Turkish workday also closely aligns with EU and U.S. time zones, allowing for convenient collaboration and nearshore-equivalent interactions.

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Strategic Location Between Continents

Turkey enjoys a unique position straddling the borders between Europe and Asia. The largest city Istanbul serves as a strategic foothold merging the best of both regions.

The geographic proximity to major EU economies and large metropolitan hubs gives Turkish firms easy access to world-class infrastructure. It also enables efficient client meetings and sales expansion into local European markets.

Spotlight on Turkey’s Most In-Demand Software Developers

Turkey has rightfully earned its place among the top destinations for sourcing offshore development talent. The country combines technical excellence with cost competitiveness in delivering on global IT outsourcing needs.

A vibrant community of over 100,000 developers forms Turkey’s development workforce. As technology trends evolve, so do their skills across domains. We spotlight some highly demanded Turkish developer profiles.
ODC in Turkey

Full-Stack Web Developers Skills: React, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

Full-stack offshore developers handle coding responsibilities across frontend, backend and DevOps layers of web projects. Turkish programmers showcase expertise in latest component libraries like React to build interactive sites along with Node.js proficiency for event-driven backends. Many also utilize client-side JavaScript for dynamic UIs while structuring layouts with HTML and CSS.

Strong grasp over full web stacks enables developers to independently architect systems or work across project tiers.

iOS/Android Mobile Developers Skills: Swift/Objective-C, Java/Kotlin

Turkey houses thousands of specialists covering native mobile platforms. Developers integrate device capabilities using Apple’s native languages Swift and Objective-C or build optimized Android experiences through Java and Kotlin.

Growing demand for cross-platform approaches also showcase skills in options like React Native and Flutter. Enterprises evaluate Turkish studios for any mobile app needs.

Java Enterprise Developers Skills: Spring Framework, JEE, SQL

Java and Spring offshore developers continue witnessing high demand in Turkey. They architect robust enterprise backends by applying object-oriented techniques and leveraging Spring’s inversion of control patterns for modular systems. Skills in supporting technologies like middleware tools and SQL underline adaptable enterprise coding abilities.

AI/Machine Learning Engineers Skills: Python, TensorFlow/PyTorch, NumPy

A subset of Turkish offshore developers break into futuristic domains like artificial intelligence and deep learning models. Using Python for rapid prototyping with libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch, they craft systems capable of decision automation and predictive intelligence. Math intensive libraries like NumPy come naturally to mathematically inclined developers.
ODC in Turkey

Turkey's Thriving Community of Software Talent

Turkish programmers display competencies across the latest domains and platforms demanded by global organizations and technology trends. A representative breakdown provides insights into the prevalent coding languages, frameworks and specialist strengths.
Besides niche capabilities, Turkish developers showcase well-rounded skills across more common languages like C/C++, Python, JavaScript, C# and competence with SQL/NoSQL databases.

Global enterprises setting up local delivery centers can thus leverage Turkey's extensive breadth of technology skills. The region enables assembling full-stack teams spanning diverse project requirements under a unified operating model.


Turkey presents an unparalleled nexus of technical capabilities, favorable demographics, operational alignment and cost efficiencies. Technology leaders recognize the country's enormous potential - it may be time your firm does too with Offshore Development Center!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Question:
    What benefits does an offshore development center in Turkey provide?
    Key benefits of an offshore development center in Turkey include cost savings on developer salaries, which are 30-50% lower compared to Europe and US, high level of developer technical skills, good command of English language among developers, cultural and linguistic proximity to Europe allowing for easier collaboration, and a convenient geographical location for the center between Europe and Asia.
  • Question:
    What costs are associated with setting up an offshore development center in Turkey?
    The main costs associated with setting up an offshore development in Turkey include rental and fit-out of office space, purchase of equipment and software for developers, staff hiring such as developers, managers, and admin personnel to run operations, as well as legal registration costs for establishing the company.
  • Question:
    What technologies are covered by developers in Turkey?
    Developers in Turkey possess competencies across a wide spectrum of technologies, including web development skills like JavaScript, .NET, and Java, mobile app development for platforms such as Android and iOS, as well as expertise in advanced and emerging technologies like machine learning and blockchain platforms.
  • Question:
    How fast can an offshore development center be launched in Turkey?
    With sufficient prior preparation, the minimum timeframes for getting an offshore development center operational in Turkey are approximately 1-2 weeks for registering and establishing the legal entity, 1-2 months for hiring key management and technology staff, and 3-4 months from project commencement to beginning development work on initial projects.
Sergio Art is the entrepreneurial mind behind the Offshore Development Center (ODC), which he launched in 2010 to support U.S. businesses in their digital transformation efforts through access to skilled software engineers.

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